COVID Can't Keep You Quiet.

With our creative team on your side, not even a pandemic can mute you.

In our latest TV commercial, we helped WSB speak clearly to their audience, sharing with them how they’re dealing with the COVID-19 crisis and more. The result? An inspired viewer and confident patron.

This new message was put together with on-hand assets. A creative approach reshaped them into a new story.

The CCI train never stops. Yours doesn’t have to either. Check it out.

At CCI, we are equipped with the tools, resources, and ideas to craft high-end creative no matter how much social distance is separating us from our clients or each other. We’re used to perfecting TV commercials, digital ads, social calendars, website edits, and more from thousands of miles apart.

No biggie.

“It comes down to processes, communication capabilities, and innovation. Being resourceful requires constant learning and I dig it,” says Creative Director Jess Piet.

“Every single day, every single phone call, I learn something new. It’s insane,” says Art Director Darren Vorel.

Seeing learning as part of the fun is what fuels our spirit as a team.

We often go onsite to shoot footage for clients to integrate into our deliverables, but with COVID-19 boundaries set in place, we’ve explored more ways to get and produce content that resonates just as strongly as our more traditional production methods would. And we keep uncovering gems.

Without going onsite to shoot, we’ve been able to create new content with:

Footage we already have

Stock images and videos

Kinetic text treatments (Instagram edit)

Digitally-hired voiceovers

Digitally-accessible soundtracks

And more.

While your audience tunes into their TVs, tablets, laptops, and phones, who will they be hearing from?

If you want it to be you, there’s no reason it shouldn’t be.

Volume up,

The CCI Squad