Doors Open. Creativity Flowin'.
There is no time like the present to be creative and resourceful.
Here at CCI, we refuse to let anything get us down. Whether we’re working from our home offices, Oakbrook HQ, or the lounge over at Soho Chicago—we’re constantly exchanging our tips to keeping our brains light, limber, and crafty. In this time where many are finding their worlds more simplified than ever before, we’ve decided to share our creativity hacks.
Dare to give some of our tricks a try?
has been crafting works of art from the heart. To add a little zest, he’s even taken to new forms—like drawing blindfolded.
has been harnessing her inner Martha as she impatiently awaits the arrival of her new rescue fur baby named Blanche. She’s better with dogs than recipes.
is a CrossFit queen who hasn’t let any changes get in the way of her physical activity. This muscle maven is building a mansion from scratch, too—on The Sims 4.
is honing his skills as a smoothie connoisseur. If you can freeze it, you can blend it, amirite? He’s consistently cranking out 3D animations, but avoids back pain by doing so at his fancy shmancy sitting/standing desk.
is catching natural inspiration on long walks when he can. He’s enlightening his world with the book Jonathan Livingston Seagull by Richard Bach, and quite enjoying it.
From smoothies to seagulls, we’re all about embracing the different platforms available to stay slick. What keeps your brain feeling fresh?
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The CCI Crew