A Closer Look: Darren Vorel

Oh, hey! Cool news over here at the CCI shop.

Exec. Art Director Darren Vorel was featured in this recent VogageChicago article

In it, he shares a little insight on his age-old and newfound inspirations, how originality is worth fighting for, and his artistic method.

 "With anything I produce, the goal is to inspire and invoke emotions. To bring up thoughts or feelings that someone can really absorb and be involved with."

Darren recently hit the road with the Plain White T's for their summer tour. Between high-energy crowds, ungodly hours, and contortionistic body positioning, he captured the highs, lows, and sentimental moments of the whole thing. This made for raw social and video creative that gave fans the inside look they've been waiting for. A compilation shaped from this blood, sweat, and tears is right here.

Chicago represent,

The CCI Squad